Patrick and Branden had their first outdoor training with the teams. Pictures and videos was posted in the facebook group. The practice session was three hours between 1pm and 4pm.
Highlight of the day was when Kerry was asked if he will join the team in the Domarcupen the upcoming weekend.
I guess I have to carry you guys again on my fucken old back and drick all my birthday whiskey all weekend! Its good I’ve been throwing snowballs all fucken month to pitch another season. Go Sharks!
We hope that a standard painkiller would do the trick so you can keep some of your whisky, Kerry! From a fan perspective it is great to have Kerry on the team and get warmed up a bit until opening day.
Speaking of opening day. The team did put in some great effort the past week to make the field ready for the season. However, the frost may interfere with the home opener and more info regarding this is to expect.